Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4 and 5...I climbed a mountain....

Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going....
Said good by ti Gibbs Bay Inn late afternoon. Spent the day wandering the property, Gibbs Beach, and the pool. Amazing hot day...skies clear. Bobbi (bless here) came to bring me to to The Hilton Barbados, 2  miles down the road the rains came...and poured and poured. Roads flooded and traffic crawled. Lightning and thunder provided a light and sound show extraordinaire! I related my story of Bridgetown and being soaked....Wayne called....wet in rain...lets go get him!
 Went to a huge Bajan Super Market....loved looking at everything..and bought some food and drink for my room at the Hilton...( I miss Gibbs Tea a 4!). The rains finally abated, and the Hilton was reached.

  Easy fast reception, cool(cold..brr) room....New home for 5 nights. Unpacked.....showered, view from terrace, Ocean and Beach...sounds of the waves lead me to sleep...

Woke to bright Sunshine and a wonderful daytime view.
Nice isn't it?
But...hardly time to even look around...Off to Crane's Beach to meet Brad for the day. There are buses all over Barbados...Blue(Official Government ones). Yellow.(local entrepreneurs) and white vans(? not sure). Already had taken a blue one, so now boarding Yellow Bus to Sam Lords...45 minutes of cross Island riding...including some really nice view...I arrive. 
Brad, bless him is waiting just were he said he would be..even though I am about an hour late. Now on to Crane Beach.
To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom
He guided(dragged) me along some pilings and other to a stone staircase wall. Brad is 6'2".. He would say, "Just step here". At 5'3"....not always possible...he was very patient...and I think the death grip I had on his hand gave him some notion of just how scared I was at times. We got there...and the view was magnificent!.Really special. Think the blood eventually returned to his hand.....and then.....he said" higher". My response..."!"..We sat an chatted for awhile and he said the higher word again and I the No one.....We climbed some point he said go here and I went there...and scrapped my knee....Word to the wise...listen to those that know...even if you don't think so!
Part 2 to follow shortly...Now to the beach for me!

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